counters 2004 awards - Live Casino

2004 awards

The Bronze Prof Award goes to… “The Cards Speak”

Hank has a way with words and a razor sharp mind when it comes to poker. His writing and reflections offer deep insight into the world of poker, both on-line and off. Almost every post from Hank is a gem worthy of admiration.

The Silver Prof Award goes to. “Tao of Poker”

Pauly is a wonderful, verbose writer and the key organizer of the first major poker blogger gathering, the WPBT Holiday Classic. Updated almost daily, his blog is always on top of the community.
The Golden Prof Award goes to. “Up For Poker”

What can I say about the site created by G-Rob, Otis and CJ that hasn’t already been said. Otis is one of the finest writers I’ve ever had the pleasure to encounter and reading his posts is like a visit from an old friend.

2004 Prof Hall of Fame inductees:

Party Poker Blogs (Guinness and Poker) – Iggy was one of the first poker bloggers and he is instrumental in the community. The terms Blogfather and Uberpost refer to only one site and one blogger, Party Poker Blogs and Iggy.

Table Tango – Linda’s site is one of the oldest continuously updated poker sites on the internet and her blog was around before the term blog had even been coined. Writing about her experiences as a dealer at the Bellagio provides readers with behind-the-scenes view of the poker industry.Other Awards:

The Geekiest Blog

Winner: “Chicks Dig Poker Geeks” – Anyone with a megaman character on their blog is about as far into being a geek as you can get and this is a good thing.

Runner-Up – BadBlood Plays Poker – If your greping your hands you are indeed a serious geek.

The Funniest Blog

Winner: Bill Rini – Three articles put this blog over the top, cheating at online poker, on-line poker tells and the Evy table.

Runner-Up (tie) – Al Can’t Hang and Boy Genius, their occasional e-mail exchanges are genuinely funny.

Biggest Community Contribution

Winner – Poker Perspectives, Maudie created the logo for the WPBT, had T-shirts made for the event and always seems to be lending a hand.

Runner-Up (tie) – Tao of Poker and Guinness and Poker – Pauly and Iggy both genuinely care about growing and helping the community. Everytime I stumble across a new poker blog I almost always see an encouraging comment from Pauly and nobody is better at debuting new blogs than Iggy.

Most Insightful Blog

Winner – “The Cards Speak” covering a range of topics in thoughtful, eloquent writing; Hank has delved into almost every aspect of poker imaginable from Morton’s Therom to Climbing the limit ladder.

Runner Up – Tao of Poker, Pauly often offers insightful strategy and reflection quoting from the masters on trouble hands and examining various aspects of play.

Most under-rated blog:

Winner: Double A’s – Double A’s feequently offers insights into poker and a useful look as various aspects of the game, his 2004 year in review post sums up some of the great content on this site.

Runner-Up: Helixx – Helixx’s blog has had several thought provoking and insightful posts. An intelligent and interesting blog that I’ve really enjoyed.