Treasure Island pays you to play poker

As we previewed before, it’s now a go!

The poker room at Treasure Island (TI) is now paying people to play poker.

From Saturday at midnight to the following Saturday at midnight, put in your hours and you’ll earn money.  And pretty significant money at that.

Play 10 hours, get $50.  20 hours, $125.  30 hours, $200.  40 hours, $300.  50 hours, $500.  And 60 hours, $599 (to avoid IRS forms at the $600 giveaway mark).

That’s as good a promotion as we’ve ever seen, but what they don’t say is you’ll also receive their regular $2 in comps per hour.  Even better!

We do wonder how long the room will be able to sustain this, particularly if it draws all the locals who are there just for the promotion.

But hey, we’ll check it out for at least a week and hope that the promo returns them to being open 24 hours (before they were closing around 3 a.m. and then re-opening at 10 a.m.).