counters Beginners Guide to 99% Occupy Movement #ows #occupywallst - Live Casino

Beginners Guide to 99% Occupy Movement #ows #occupywallst


Occupy Las Vegas

What began as a few seemingly disgruntled left over hippies occupying the hallowed spaces of the Wall Street financial district has grown into a movement spreading to hundreds of locales around the country.  Major media has finally moved out “ignore mode” and began recognizing that something might be happening here.

Modern personal communictions have enabled the younger masses of this country to quickly unify, mobilize and magically appear anywhere in the country.  The times are exciting and bring a promise of radical change that will benefit the whole with a return of hope for the better.

We have linked some of the must read 99% sites.  Everyone can be a participant or casual observer of this history in the making.  Don’t be left out, read the instantaneous news as it happens with Twitter.  Search Google for baseline info.  Watch videos on YouTube.  Follow along with Facebook.  Peruse through the mass of photos from the occupy scenes for a taste of the flavor of the movement.

More links below to a wide variety of differing opinions of the 99% movement.

The original – w/photos

On Twitter: The hash tags #occupywallstreet, #ows, #occupywallst  Beware of false flags and dummy accounts trying to co-opt or impersonate genuine members and groups on these large social sites, accounts like @shoq try to track some of this activity with hash tags like #trollwire.

Movement Spreads – w/photos

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Movement Grows to 847 Cities – w/video

Obama and Occupy movement – w/photos

Occupy Las Vegas photo gallery – photos