counters BRANDI HAWBAKER SUICIDE - Live Casino


According to our friends at NeverWinPoker, Brandi Hawbaker committed suicide on Sunday. Here’s the statement from Micon:

“Brandi Hawbaker to some, Naami Dea to others, took her own life on Sunday. This news has been confirmed through Brandon and Brandi’s family. Brandon, Brandi’s family, and friends have asked the poker world to respect their privacy while they grieve. When the time is right we will have Brandon’s statement on NWP…”

Stay tuned for more information as this story develops.

To bring you up to speed, Brandi Hawbaker took the poker world like a category five hurricane when she was involved in the “Capt. Tom’s Penis” debacle. Most recently, her former boyfriend posted a thread on 2+2 detailing their sordid relationship. Since then, rumors floated around that Brandi had left Las Vegas and relocated to Southern California where she converted to Islam and changed her name. She was reportedly seen playing cash games in L.A. based casinos.