Well, we made it through another week with no war. That is, no war with Iran, ignoring for now that we are still in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while continuing to fight the oh-so-noble war on Drugs, Terror, Poverty, etc. Not only have these “wars” been demonstrated time and time again to be unsuccessful, they have actually contributed to the worsening of the very problems they claim to be fighting.

We may not be at war with Iran yet, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t crept closer.

Glenn Greenwald has a great recent post , in part speaking on the depths to which US/British credibility have sunk as they try and use this incident and others like it to foment a new round of regime change. Of course, our propaganda platforms media apparatus continually presents this issue as simply an aggressive act by the insane and very terrorist Persians, completely and conveniently ignoring the fact that we have kidnapped/captured Iranian officials without producing a shred of evidence (other than talking points) justifying the overtly aggressive acts. It is the blatant self-delusion and hypocrisy on the world stage for all to see. The US funds terrorist groups such as MEK to cause bedlam and destruction in Iran, kidnap Iranian officials who have been invited into the country by the “sovereign” Iraqi government, and there are many indications that we have been running cross border operations of our own into their country for some time now.

But our leaders just stand and point, telling the public, “Oh no! Look at the nasty brown terrorist regime that is aggressively capturing the soldiers of our friends and allies and trying to build nuclear bombs to destroy us all, especially the defenseless Israel!”

It must have simply slipped their minds that Israel is itself a nuclear power. I wonder how it is that they have the right to nuclear technology, but Iran does not? Oh yes, it’s because they’re so friendly, something I’m sure to which the corralled Palestinians would be willing to attest.

Even if Iran is/was trying to achieve “THE BOMB”, there is an ocean of credible and internationally diverse evidence (including reports from our own CIA) that they are nowhere near to realistically achieving such a thing. Not only is there no credible evidence backing up the claims of the various warmongering mouthpieces, there in fact exists a continual stream of evidence to the contrary.

But the rhetoric and aggressive testing of Iran’s fences continues as Lord Bush, Chancellor Cheney, Baron Blair, and the AIPAC-serving Congress continue to press for new war abroad.

For those who continue in their blind support of the constant fiery (and amazingly shallow) war rhetoric, consider for a moment what is likely to happen to our overstretched, exhausted, and increasingly mentally unstable forces should we continue down this path.

That’s right, mentally unstable. Ruined is another fitting description that you’ll no doubt hear much more of in the coming years, as keeping their true collective condition under wraps will inevitably become a true impossibility. No one escapes PTSD and worse after 3 and 4 consecutive forced tours in a combat zone with no end in sight.

Here is a good overview of the US supply line situation in Iraq. Guess what al-Sadr and his Shiite brethren are going to do to that supply line if we attack Iran?


And it will only go downhill from there as the neocon wet dream of world war will begin in earnest. Neocons will get to giggle together in dark corners of power, beating their uninspired, flaccid meat for all it’s worth as they continue to hope with all of their might for the detonation of a nuclear device in the Middle East.

Speaking of wrinkly and flaccid, there was the great neocon fellator, Joe Lieberman, on Wolf Blitzer’s show this morning. He spewed the same inane talking points he always does, and did so at great length with the current focus being on how bad the new emergency funding bill is that recently passed the House by a narrow margin (with nary an interruption or challenge from Wolf, I might add, who is obviously very content to simply go along with his softball script).

Joe then proceeded to knocked me out of my chair by actually saying something that was not only true, but had some substance. I’m still reeling, quite frankly.

As proof that the current piece of emergency war funding legislation is ineffective he said (and I’m paraphrasing here because I couldn’t record it), “If the members of Congress want this war to end then all they have to do is de-fund it.”

Go find it. Go watch it. He said it.

Wolf just stood there quietly, letting the remark pass by in the stream of Lieberman detritus, never asking the question that should have been asked immediately after hearing this statement.

If that’s all Congress has to do to stop this war, why aren’t they doing it? Isn’t that exactly the thing the American public demanded by overcoming obviously rigged mid-terms and installing a new majority to do their will? A majority that promised they would do just that-put an end to this illegal war?

Lieberman’s statement is as true as it is illuminating. The only thing that Congress has to do is de-fund the war. That’s it. And yet, here we sit, mired in aggressive and illegal wars (or rather, invasions) that we have quite obviously lost while our “leaders” in the legislative branch continue beating the war drums and try, at the behest of their AIPAC masters, to help the neocons begin another war, this time with Iran.

And the best they can come up with, the best that they can narrowly pass, is a bill that doesn’t get our people out, but “redeploys” them sometime during the next year and a half. Not only that, but the bill is 25% more than the amount Lord Bush wanted–simply because Pelosi had to pay off some other whores to get the votes and get it out of the House so she could say she did her job.

Sure, Democrats will end the war, sort of. So long as they get a slice of the tasty funds for themselves, they’ll be happy to. The bill is going to get vetoed anyway, so what the hell.

They continue to spend money that we do not have and waste the lives of people who do not concern them.

There is really only one explanation for this. These politicians view you and I as infantile and unable to comprehend the “subtle nuances” of our racist and destructive foreign policy. In their overwhelming hubris, they see themselves in the combined role of your parent as well as your better. What the public demands or wants is of no consequence because they know better. They will set the parameters, and then, if they deem it appropriate, they will let Americans choose the direction of their country, just so long as it stays within the artificial limits that they and their well-moneyed handlers have set.

The crucial time is closing in.

Extra Credit Flashback: Zbigniew Brzezinski op-ed in the LA Times from almost exactly one year ago.