counters WEEK IN REVIEW FOR 02.06.05 - Live Casino


Let’s start this week with Human Head’s Think Big post on gambling prohibition. It’s always good to stay current with legal developments on the evolving sport of poker. Next, I think Bad Blood’s heir is the youngest person to check-raise, he did it to his mother, he’s 4 years old! For a dose of humor, check out Bill’s post on how on-line poker looks to a fish. I gave the scoop on the Commerce during my stint on Card Club this week, so head over to Lord Armiral Radio for that tidbit. If you’re looking for entertaining poker content, Linda never ceases to provide a great read and Ultimate Poker Challenge is posting up new pro tips each week in video format.

Finally, congratulations to Otis and Double A’s for taking 2nd and 3rd respectively in a 10K guaranteed tournament and a big cougratulations to PokerGeek on winning his cruise seat.